Hi. I am Jamie, founder of Om-ga.
I want to allow you to learn a little bit about me and why I created Om-ga, what it stands for and what it is about. My background is vast, but overall health and wellness are my passion. Each day I learn more and more about myself, and want to do more with what I learn. I am a woman with passion, strong passion for whatever I set my mind too. I am a lover of art, movement, purpose, positive intention, and positive actions. I am a leader by nature, yet still intimidated by the world.
I’ve taught yoga and led exercise classes for over 12 years. I’ve practiced a variety of styles of yoga, run marathons, lifted weights, and over done myself. What I’ve come to realize is that not all movements and practices benefit us. Through my own experience, practice and study, I have developed my own style of teaching. We each need different things, learning differently, express differently, absorb differently, and have different bodies. My style is aimed at generating positive energetic vibrations through movement to release congested and constricting patterns held on to by the body. To really rid ourselves of negative patterns that manifest as ailments, unhappiness, aches, and more, we must generate a positive frequency in what we do. We need to reset our mind, our bodies, and our habitual patterns to fully immerse into our own freedom.
Om-ga is the exploration of yoga and movement on your body. I teach with the intent of creating an exploration of oneself. This is done through strengthening, as well nurturing movements, the development of body awareness and mental patterns.
I found yoga, or yoga found me several years ago when I was 17 and living on the Big Island of Hawaii. At 17 I began to seek more than just the awesome beaches and shoyu chicken. I came across Rodney Yee’s Yoga videos, which I started doing regularly… with my dog, younger brother and sister all running around. I also found exercise. Running, lifting weights, cardio, if it was exercise I wanted it.
In 2002 I moved from Hawaii to Arizona. I was 23 at it was time for change. This was a pivotal time (one of them anyway) in my life, and set me off on my journey and where I am today. I enrolled in the yoga teacher training program at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe and received my RYT certification in 2004. Exercise and yoga were my life. I have since journeyed and had many experiences, continued to educate myself on many things, including anatomy, self study, neurological behaviors, nutrition, leadership, and so on. During my journey thus far, I’ve had the fortune to learn from many, may great teachers. These teachers have had direct influence on me, my practice, and my style today.
I would like to take time to recognize these 4 people.
First – Sani. Her class was my first live yoga class. Rodney Yee brought me the taste of Yoga, Sani delivered the experience. She was a beautiful (inside and out) Indian woman. Her soothing voice was part of the experience, and her classes were taught in the Ashtanga tradition. It was my first experience into the depths of yoga, and of myself. Although her guided physical practice was wonderful, what I experienced from her was beyond just a physical practice.
Second – Julia Pearl. She had a yoga studio in downtown Tempe. I first began as a devout student taking classes very regularly, and then eventually began teaching. Julia was amazing and very impactful, and not because of credentials and what she’d done, but who she was, and what she represented. Today she currently teaches and lectures within the College of Health Solutions at ASU. Through Julia I was introduced to Dave Oliver.
Third – Dave Oliver. Dave practiced and studied Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. He was a mentor to me, although he may have not realized it. My love and practice of Ashtanga grew. I craved his backbend workshops ands adjustments. Dave taught me the power of adjustments. Not many teachers adjust students in their practice. I love them and love to offer them in my classes. Dave has since passed on, but his wife still runs their yoga studio in Scottsdale, AZ, http://davesastangayoga.com/.
Fourth – Jim Keegan. I met Jim at S.W.I.H.A. in 2004 and reconnected with him years later at his studio in Tempe, AZ. His knowledge and understanding of anatomy and movement is incredible and bridges yoga with proper biomechanics. I love anatomy and the way our bodies work, it thoroughly interests me. I always learn from his classes. His verbal cueing and understanding from his own practice and life, really make him an respected instructor and human. He too offers incredible adjustments. His studio is located in Tempe, AZ. http://www.yoganirvanastudio.com/
If you are ever near their studios, check them out.
I love feeling good. I mean love it. There are many things that make me feel good. Good food, my family (well sometimes they’re a little stressful), my animals, nature, long walks, the ocean, yoga, hiking, the smell of my soy candles, hot baths, meaningful conversation, giving, questioning things (not aggressively, but out of real curiosity), and rain. I love the rain and it makes me feel good. I think when it rains everyone should have the day off..and I’m totally serious.
My love for yoga is deep. I need. It is part of my life. In the beginning it was for the physical practice, how it made my body feel, which in turn made my mental state awesome. Now it is became my sanity. I can turn to it to reset how I am thinking, feeling and become aware of my actions. No matter where I am or what I do, yoga is with me. My practice is less intense than it once was, but I feel better than ever.
Come in a try a class with me. Om-ga is my way of teaching and bringing people to feel better in more ways than one.